Recycling — Green Yard


Both Green Yard Feda and Green Yard Kleven recycle ships. All work is done with a strong environmental profile, and we are proud to manage ships that are to be recycled in accordance with the world’s strictest environmental regulations.

We are also proud to be able to turn ship recycling into an advantage both for ship owners, the environment, and for our employees by securing our jobs.

By reusing parts for ships, ship owners get good quality equipment, short/immediate delivery times, a big financial advantage, and in addition, the environment is saved from shipping and production of new parts. This is a circular economy and in line with UN sustainability target 12.5.

Buying steel ships for recycling

Both Green Yard Feda and Green Yard Kleven buy steel ships to be recycled. We have free capacity to receive ships, contact Hans Jørgen Fedog by email or phone: +47 92 35 00 20. Wondering how ships are recycled at our yards? Feel free to take a look at Green Yard Feda’s latest recycling project.

Used equipment gets new life

Used equipment goes through a quality check and is recertified before new use. We offer assembly and adaptations for the customer. This can be everything from cranes, motors to furnishings.

For information on available equipment:

Green Yard Kleven: Jarl Ole Vada, tel. +47 97 96 61 10 or email,

Green Yard Feda: Kjell Olsen Tel. +47 90 88 82 36 or email

Sales pages - sale of used ship parts

Facebook - sale of used ship parts

This is how we recycle

On board the boats we recycle there is a lot of good quality equipment that can be used again. We sell this further after a quality check and also offer installation of the equipment. The scrap iron from the recycling projects is remelted to become raw material and be used again. There is very little residual waste left from a recycled ship, and that too is sorted out and delivered as residual waste.

We focus on residual values and reuse in all relevant projects. Both shipyards are ISO certified for Environment 14001 and Quality 9001.

Green Yard Kleven started recycling ships in 2021, and Green Yard Feda started in 2018. Green Yard Kleven is based in Ulsteinvik, in the middle of the maritime cluster on Søre Sunnmøre. The yard, along with the sister yard Green Yard Feda on Angholmen, is part of the Green Yard Group.

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